Connect InfoPlus to Syncware
To connect Syncware with InfoPlus, please share following details with the onboarding team:
1. Domain Name (looks like ${your-company-identifier}
. :
2. API Key (details below):
3. LOB ID:
4. Warehouse ID (if multiple):
5. Order source:
Create an API Key:
- Access the User table in Infoplus by pressing the period (dot) on your keyboard and selecting the User table from the list of Quick Actions.
- In the API Key column, click the number button next to the user record where you want to create the Key. (This number reflects the number of API Keys created for the record.) A drop-down menu will appear where you can create an API Key (continue to the next step) and delete existing keys (by clicking the trash can icon next to the key).
- From the drop-down menu, click Create API Key. A pop-up window will appear with the API Key.
Copy the API Key in the pop-up window (select the key and then right-click > copy). This is your only opportunity to record the key. Add this key to your usage of the Infoplus API.
Click OK to close the window.