Tutorial - Checking your company file location after upgrading QB

Tutorial:  how to make sure XTROVERT is pointing to the correct company file

When you update your Quickbooks version, or make other changes to your QB company file,  it often happens that the location of this file is changed. 

In such cases, “repointing” XTROVERT to the new company file is very simple.

First, to see the exact path of your QB company file, go to FileàOpen Previous Company in QB.

Make a note of the exact path.   Now, in XTROVERT, select Configure…Plugins…QB…OPEN/CONFIG (differs depending on version).


Fig. 1   The QB File XTROVERT is pointing to

If the path under “Company File” is that exact same as the one in QB, you are done.  If not, click LOCATE and navigate to that exact path, with one small difference:  you want the file ending in .QBW.ND.

Double click on that file, and you’re done!

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