How to Connect Square with Syncware

Please use the following steps to connect Square with Syncware

  1. Log in to Square Admin Panel.
  2. Create a Square application for your business.

  1. Provide Permissions to manage orders, Customers, Catalog and Inventory.

  1. Complete the Creation of the app by providing proper audience of the app.

  1. Create a Test Account and give it authorization to the app you created.

  1. Now Open the app and navigate to Production tab.

  1. Now copy the Access Token and API version and hold on to it.

  1. Now, Go to the Seller dashboard and navigate to Settings > Account & Settings

  1. In Account and Settings Go to Business Information > Locations and click on Create Location.

  1. After you have created a location for your Business Go to Developer dashboard And click open on the business app you created at the start Go to Locations.

    (Note: Make sure The production is selected as your environment)

  1. Copy the Location Ids from the new screen and Hold on to It.

Now we will enter this information into Syncware

  1. Log in to Syncware
  2. Navigate to Integrations
  3. Click on Configure next to the Square actions
  4. Complete the following fields:
    1. Base Url:
    2. API Version: API Version from Step 7.
    3. Token: Access token from Step 7.
    4. Location Id: Location Id from Step 11.

Please email to let the team know you have completed these steps.

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