Creating Swaps

The Swaps feature provides a way to transform your data into what your intended system is expecting.

Before you begin

Ensure you have at least two active integrations added to your account.


  1. From the navigation menu select Integrations>Swaps.
  2. On the Swaps page, use the drop down feature to select:
    1. Integration: Select the integration you would like to add a data Swap to.
    2. Endpoints: Select the available endpoint based on your integration you would like to swap data within.
    3. Fields: Select the field you would like to swap data for.
  3. Once you have selected your integration, endpoint, and field, click ADD SWAPS.
  4. On Swap Settings window, review the instructions and enter the data values you would like to transform, click SAVE.


Your Swap will be added to the integration you selected.

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