Configuring the 3PL Status for Cin7 Omni Integration

Syncware allows you to set a 3PL Status field in Cin7 Omni when exporting orders. This configuration ensures that your orders in Cin7 are correctly tagged with the desired logistics status.


  1. From the navigation menu, select Integrations.
  2. On the Integrations page, locate Cin7 Omni and click Configure.
  3. On the Configure Integration page, use the search feature to locate the "Logistics Status" plugin config.
  4. Review the table below to determine the input needed for the "Logistics Status" plugin config.
Logistics Status Input (integer field) Status
0 Transfer to 3PL upon completion
1 Transfer to 3PL now
180 Transfer return notification to 3PL now
2 Transferred to 3PL for picking
3 Transfer purchase order to 3PL now EDI only
4 Transfer purchase order change to 3PL now EDI only
943 Stock transfer shipment to 3PL now EDI only
-1 Transferred to 3PL with ERRORS
9 Do not transfer to 3PL
10 Picked by 3PL successfully
11 Partially picked by 3PL
-2 Picked by 3PL Successfully
202 Transferred to 3PL for picking - acknowledged
210 Picked by 3PL successfully - acknowledged
5 Cancelled by 3PL
  1. Enter the Logistics Status Input number from the table above into the "Logistics Status" plugin config.
    • Note: Enter ONLY the number associated with the desired status.
  1. Click SAVE to apply the changes.


When orders are exported from Syncware to Cin7 Omni, the specified 3PL Status will be added to each order.

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