Converting vendor orders to your retailer account

Note: The Syncware Wholesale Network is currently an Early Access program. To participate as a retailer, you must be invited by a Syncware vendor.

Connected Vendors and Retailers in the Syncware Wholesale Network, have access to ALL orders exchanged through the relationship. Retailers will only see old orders placed within 30 days of signing up.

The Wholesale Network provides order efficiencies for vendors and retailers who have an established connection. As a retailer, you're able to view historical orders from your vendors and easily convert them to Purchase Orders in your Syncware retailer account.

Before You Begin

Ensure you:

  • logged into your Syncware retailer account
  • completed your Shopify integration to your Syncware retailer account
  • are connected to a Syncware vendor


  1. From the navigation menu, select Order History.
  2. From the Order History page, search and select vendor orders you'd like to convert to Purchase Orders to your account.
  3. Once selected, click, CONVERT TO PURCHASE ORDER.
    • Note: Products in the order you've selected must be in the vendors product list to convert to a Purchase Order.


You will receive a confirmation message in the platform indicating your Purchase Orders have processed successfully.

Next Steps

Navigate to the Purchase Order page to view and take action on your converted vendor orders.

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