How to setup Syncware Custom App in Shopify store

Syncware supports all Shopify plans. However, due to the nature of some APIs requiring access to Personally Identifiable Information (PII), full functionality is only available on Shopify Advanced and Shopify Plus plans. If your integration requires handling PII, upgrading to one of these plans may be necessary.

STEP 1 - Enable custom app development from the Shopify admin


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps.
  2. Scroll to the bottom gear icon - App and Sales Channel Settings
  3. Click  Develop apps (top right of the page)
  4. Click  Allow custom app development.
  5. Read the warning and information provided, and then click  Allow custom app development

STEP 2 - Create the custom app


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps.
  2. Click  Develop apps.
  3. Click  Create a custom app.
  4. In the modal window, enter Syncware as App Name and select an App developer. The app developer can be the store owner, or any staff or collaborator account with the Develop apps permission.
  5. Click  Create app.
  6. Click Configure Admin API Scopes.
  7. In the Admin API access scopes section, select the API scopes from the below table as it applies to your integration.
    1. Typically, you would need: read_inventory, write_inventory, read_products, read_product_listings, read_locations,read_customers,write_customers,read_orders, write_orders
  8. Click  Save.

STEP 3 - Install the custom app and get the API access tokens


  1. Under Apps > Develop Apps > "Syncware" app > API Credentials > Click Install app.
  2. In the modal window, click  Install app.
  3. To get the access token to go to the Admin API access token section and click Reveal token once.

    You can see the Admin API access token on this page only one time. After revealing the access token, write down or record the token somewhere secure so that you can refer to it again.

  4. Follow the steps in this article to add your Store Name and Admin API Access token to Syncware.

API Scopes

Scope Authenticated access granted

read_assigned_fulfillment_orders ,


FulfillmentOrder resources assigned to a location managed by your fulfillment service

read_customers ,


Customer and Saved Search permissions required

read_discounts ,


GraphQL Admin API Discounts features

read_draft_orders ,


Draft Order permissions required

read_fulfillments ,


Fulfillment Service

read_inventory ,


Inventory Level and Inventory Item
read_locations Location

read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders ,


FulfillmentOrder resources assigned to merchant-managed locations

read_orders ,


Abandoned checkouts, Customer, Fulfillment, Order, and Transaction resources permissions required

read_payment_terms ,


GraphQL Admin API PaymentSchedule and PaymentTerms objects

read_price_rules ,


Price Rules

read_products ,


Product, Product Variant, Product Image, Collect, Custom Collection, and Smart Collection
read_product_listings Product Listing and Collection Listing

read_shipping ,


Carrier Service, Country, and Province

read_third_party_fulfillment_orders ,


FulfillmentOrder resources assigned to a location managed by any fulfillment service

read_order_edits ,


GraphQL Admin API OrderStagedChange types and order editing features

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