Integrating Shopify

Before you begin

  1. You must add Syncware to your Shopify store so that you can enter the required Store Name and API Admin Access Token required. To learn more, refer to How to setup Syncware Custom App in Shopify Store.
  2. Ensure that you have Shopify added to your Syncware account. If you don't have Shopify on your account, review Adding an integration.

Configuring your Shopify integration

  1. From the navigation menu select Integrations.
  2. Click the Configure button to the right of your Shopify integration.
  3. On the Configure Integration, enter your Store Name and the API Admin Access Token, click SAVE.
  4. Next, select the integration fields that you would like configured and input the required information.

While you can configure and customize your integration in many ways, our customers use the following fields most often:

Field Name Field Guide Suggestion
Add New Customers Toggle "ON" so new customers will be created if a match is not found on order export.
Display Products Toggle "ON" for all product information to be imported and displayed in Syncware.
Inventory Location Enter the inventory location your inventory should be imported from Shopify.
New Customer Notification Toggle "ON" to receive email notifications when new customers are created.
Tax Exempt Toggle "ON" for taxes to not be applied on tax-exempt orders.
Use Price on Draft Order Toggle "ON" if you would like the product price on the draft order to be exported to Shopify.
Use Price on Order Toggle "ON" If you would like the product price on the order to be exported to Shopify.
Order Tags Enter tags that you would like to be added to orders exported to Shopify.
  1. Click SAVE in the top right corner of the page once complete.


Your Shopify integration has been configured.

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