Error: The QuickBooks user has denied access

Error message: Unable to open the QuickBooks company file.

The QuickBooks user has denied access
Cause:  Syncware App has not been granted or has been denied permission to connect to the QuickBooks company file.

Resolution: In QuickBooks modify or remove and reset the Syncware integrated application permissions so that Syncware has sufficient permissions to connect to the company file. Follow these steps to 
  1. Log into your QuickBooks file as an Administrator in single-user mode.
  2. Go to the integrated application list in the company preferences. From the menu select Edit > Preferences and then select the Integrated Applications icon and Company Preferences tab.
  3. In the list the application called Syncware may be listed, if so then we recommend that you remove it by first selecting it in the list and then clicking the Remove button.
  4. Now re-establish the connection to QuickBooks, by following the steps here

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