Matching customers for orders

The Match Customer feature enables the platform to identify orders that have customer information that may match an existing customer profile. Matches are based on name, zip code, city, and other information on the customer order. When a match is presented, you'll be prompted to to determine if the order should be mapped to an existing customer profile or if a new customer profile should be created.

Before you begin

Ensure you're logged into your account.


  1. From the navigation menu click Orders.
  2. Click FILTERS.
  3. On the MORE FILTERS modal, click Status to open the options, select Match Customer click SEARCH. Your Orders will be filtered by the Match Customer status.
  4. In the Status column, click the Match Customer link for the order(s) you are reviewing.
  5. On the Match Customer page, review the customer information to determine your next action.
    1. Match customer: The customer information on the order IS the same as the existing customer profile(s).
      1. Click the MATCH & EXPORT button for the customer profile that is an accurate match.
    2. Add new customer: The customer information on the order IS NOT the same as the existing customer profile(s).
      1. Click the CREATE & EXPORT button at the top right to add a new customer profile.


Customer profiles will be updated and/or created per your review.

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