The Onboarding Checklist

The "Rocket Ship" button in the Syncware platform is designed to provide new users with a simple, intuitive guide through the onboarding process. This feature ensures that new accounts are set up quickly and efficiently, allowing users to make the most of Syncware’s capabilities from day one. By offering forms, a kick-off call, an Onboarding Checklist, and workflow review, the button helps users configure their settings, integrate key systems, and begin syncing data effortlessly.

Key Features of the "Rocket Ship" Button

Guided Setup Upon clicking the "Rocket Ship" button, users are welcomed and presented with steps to help them integrate their systems. This process covers:

  1. Completing a form - provide Syncware with the details of your integration to ensure your success.
  2. Scheduling a Kick Off Call - once you’ve completed your questionnaire, we’ll meet with you to review next steps.
  3. Beginning the Onboarding Checklist - take action on the tasks you need to complete for each of your integrations.
  4. Scheduling a Review call - Notify Support that your tasks are complete and ready for their review.

Interactive Walkthrough Users receive prompts to complete each stage of their onboarding journey, with explanations and tips provided along the way. This ensures that even those unfamiliar with Syncware can get up to speed quickly and without confusion.

Benefits of Using the "Rocket Ship" Button

Efficient Onboarding: The guided process reduces time spent on initial configuration and ensures important steps aren't missed.

User-Friendly: With a clear, step-by-step guide, even new users or those less familiar with technology can complete their setup with confidence.

Optimized Integration: The setup process is customized to ensure that Syncware is optimized for your specific systems and workflows from the start.

Accessing the Onboarding Checklist

To access the Onboarding Checklist, you must be logged into your Syncware account. Once you’ve logged in, click the "Rocket Ship" button and then Begin Your Onboarding Checklist.

Completing the Onboarding Checklist

To complete onboarding to Syncware, you’ll need to follow the steps within the Onboarding Checklist.

Note: You'll need to complete each step in the Onboarding Checklist for each system you intend to sync.

  1. Add Integrations - Simplify your multi-channel business with the ability to add integrations once your account has been created. For example, you can integrate your orders, inventory, and ERP or accounting systems all in one place.
  2. Map Workflows - Visually setup and connect workflows by selecting actions for each integration. Easily drag and drop actions for each system. For example, import orders, export orders, export shipments, import shipments.
  3. Configure Settings - View and select system specific settings to curate your data. To learn more about common settings for the systems you're integrating to, refer to the Integration Guides.

Next Steps

Once your Onboarding Checklist is complete, be sure to verify your integrations and actions by Exporting an order. We recommend verifying one order through your workflow to ensure your systems are running end-to-end.

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