Integrating QuickBooks Desktop

QuickBooks Desktop is an ERP and accounting software that integrates with Syncware. The following workflows are supported for this integration:

  • Orders
  • Invoices
  • Purchase Orders
  • Sales Reciepts
  • Inventory
  • Shipments
  • Customers
  • Products

To integrate QuickBooks Desktop with your Syncware account, you'll need to

  1. Add QuickBooks Desktop
  2. Connect your QuickBooks Desktop account*
  3. Configure your Web Connector settings
  4. Map your workflows
  5. Configure your Syncware settings

*To connect your QuickBooks Desktop account, you will need to download and install the QuickBooks Web Connector. You must access your QuickBooks Desktop account as the Administrator in Single User Mode. See the Setting up QuickBooks Web Connector article for step-by-step instructions.

Add QuickBooks Desktop

  1. From the navigation menu, select Integrations.
  2. On the Integrations page, click ADD INTEGRATION.
  3. On the Integrations List page, search QuickBooks Desktop, and click ADD.
  4. You will be presented with the applicable fees for the integration. To proceed, click REVIEW.
  5. You will be presented with a summary of the fees that will be billed to you. If you approve, click APPROVE.


QuickBooks Desktop will be added to your Syncware account as an integration.

Connect your QuickBooks Desktop account

  1. From the navigation menu, select Integrations.
  2. On the Integrations page, QuickBooks Desktop will be displayed as an integration with action buttons to the right, click Connect.
  3. Click DOWNLOAD WEB CONNECTOR and EMAIL INSTRUCTIONS to receive an email with download and installation steps for the QuickBooks Web Connector.
  4. After installation, confirm the integration is connected by checking for a “Connected” status on the Integrations page and a “Last Run” date and time on the Connections screen.

Configure your Web Connector settings

Once you have connected the web connector, you will need to configure the connection to Syncware.

  1. From the QuickBooks Web Connector, toggle on the items that should be imported to Syncware. While you can configure and customize your integration in many ways, our customers use the following imports most often:
    • Products
    • Customers
    • Lists

Note: If you are utilizing Syncware to import orders from Quickbooks Desktop to another System such as a warehouse, you will need to choose the record type you wish to import - sales orders, invoices, etc.

  1. After you've set up what you'd like to import, proceed to configure the import settings for a more customized experience. While you can configure and customize your integration in many ways, our customers use the following settings most often:
Import Setting Description
Import Active Customers Only For clients with many inactive customers, importing only active customers reduces processing time.
Import Active Items Only
  1. From the QuickBooks Web Connector, toggle on the items that should be exported to Syncware. While you can configure and customize your integration in many ways, our customers use the following exports most often:
    • Add Items
    • Add Customers
    • Add Staging Invoices
    • Add Staging Orders


Your QuickBooks Desktop integration will be connected to Syncware.

Map your workflows

Before you begin, ensure you've reviewed the instructional video for building your workflow with Sync Builder.

  1. From the navigation menu, select Integrations > Sync Builder.
  2. On the Sync Builder page, QuickBooks Desktop will be displayed in the Integrations and Actions menu to the left. Use the arrow to display the QuickBooks Desktop available actions.

The following QuickBooks Desktop actions are required for use:

Workflow Action
Orders ExportOrdersStub

  1. From the menu, click and drag the action that you would like to add to the workspace on the right.
    1. Note: Remaining actions are controlled by the Web Connector Settings.
  2. Once you have added the actions for your workflow, click SAVE.


Your QuickBooks Desktop actions are ready to be configured and verified.

Configure your Syncware settings

  1. From the navigation menu select Integrations.
  2. Click the Configure button to the right of your QuickBooks Desktop integration.
  3. When the web connector runs, some of the templates are filled in on the configuration page. Double check that the default templates were filled in correctly from the web connector.
  4. On the Configure Integration page, click on the following fields to enter the required information you would like configured and input the required information.

While you can configure and customize your integration in many ways, our customers use the following fields most often:

Field Name Field Guide Suggestion
Use Match Customer Enter “true” to enable the Match Customer feature on Syncware to attempt to find customers in Quickbooks Desktop before creating a new customer from the order.
Shipping Item Enter the SKU where Shipping Charges can be mapped on export to Quickbooks Desktop
  1. Click SAVE in the top right corner of the page once complete.


Your QuickBooks Desktop settings have been configured.

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