Inviting retailers to the network

Note: The Syncware Wholesale Network is currently an Early Access program. To participate, please join the waitlist by completing the form at the following link: Wholesale Network Waitlist Form. Once your application is reviewed, Syncware will contact you with further details.

Wholesale Network is a next-gen platform that streamlines the wholesale process, empowering businesses to connect, collaborate, and grow. Vendors who join the Syncware Wholesale Network can easily invite their retail partners from the platform.

Before You Begin

Ensure you:

  • have a Syncware account
  • are subscribed and have access to the Syncware Wholesale Network


  1. From the navigation menu, select Customers.
  2. From the Customers page, search and/or select customers that you'd like to invite by checking the box to the left.
  3. Once selected, click, INVITE.


You will receive a confirmation message in the platform indicating the invite has been sent via email.

Retailers invited must accept the invitation and create their account prior to being able to participate. Once a retailer has accepted and connected to Syncware, they will receive ALL orders exchanged through your relationship.

Next Steps

Manage your retail partners on the Wholesale Network.

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