Troubleshooting missing orders

If you find that an order exists in your order source, but not in Syncware, you should verify the status of the order and manually run the action associated with your source.

Before you begin

Review your order source to verify the status of the order. Refer to the table below for order source specific status information:

Order Source Status Information
Faire The default status that Syncware pulls is NEW only.
Shopify The default status' that Syncware pulls are: pending, authorized, partially_paid, paid, partially_refunded.
MarketTime The default status that Syncware pulls is OPEN only.

If the order IS NOT in the defined default status for your order source, contact your order source for help changing the status of the order.


  1. From the navigation menu, select Integrations > Sync Status.
  2. On the Sync Status page, locate the order source and action you are missing an order from.
  3. In the MANUAL RUN column, click the play button.
  4. From the navigation menu, select Orders.
  5. On the Orders page, use the Search Order feature to search for the missing order.


You have manually re-run your order source action and found the missing order.

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